![]() | 中德合资浙江三松工具有限公司成立于1994年,是中国境内最大的园林工具和园林机械制造商之一。 本公司地处享有“中国五金之都”美称的浙江省永康市,占地面积50000多平方米,建筑面积4.5万平米,在职职工400多人,拥有现代化的标准厂房,先进的生产和检测设备,完善的信息化管理制度,并吸纳了大量的研发人才,2004年与德国英特科林机械有限公司合资,注册资金达560万美元,成为国内最大的园林工具和园林机械制造商;合资后新产品的关键设计全部由德国公司的工程师负责完成,大大提升了产品的竞争力,并且坚持走专业化的路线,这些都为企业充分发展提供了有力的保障;公司在2004年多项产品通过德国GS安全认证,已拥有外观设计专利15项、实用新型专利设计3项;连续5年荣获“永康市纳税优胜单位”、“专利示范企业”、“专利实施奖”等光荣称号。 公司生产的园林机械有汽油锯、割灌机、绿篱机等,年生产能力达50万台;生产的园林工具有草剪、修枝剪、篱笆剪、高空剪锯、花园工具等,我们的年生产能力园林工具达到500万只,产品远销欧洲、南北美洲、澳大利亚、中东等国家和地区,以其优良的品质,极具竞争力的价格,良好的服务深受客户的信赖。 “服务全球,美化生活”是我们三松人追求的目标!竭诚欢饮国内外客户参观指导,来电来函垂询洽谈!Sunsong Tools Co. Ltd. was founded in 1994, it’s one of the biggest manufacturers on garden tools and garden machinery in China. Our company is located in Yongkang, Zhejiang, it occupies more than 50,000 square meters. We possess modern factory building, advanced production and test equipment, complete information management system, and employ lots of R&D talent, execute specialized route, those are useful for abundant development of the company.Our garden tools products are including pruning shears, lopping shears, hedge shears, garden saw, garden tools and others, garden machinery products are including gasoline chain saw, hedge trimmer, brush cutter and others. Our annual output has reached 5 million pieces, our products are sold in European and American countries, Southeast Asian countries and regions, are trusted by customers because of superior quality, competitive prices and better service.Service the world & improve everyday life is our persistent target. Welcome warmly to visit our factory at your convenient time, enter into a good business relationship with us! |